
Showing posts from August, 2009


Staring at the window while music is on the atmosphere Figuring out the images vibrantly astonishes his eyes On his mind is a thrill of going home A home he yearns and misses a lot A home that misses him too In his heart is an exuberant feeling That enriches his passion to explore the world A world he longs to discover and possess Dreams are his strength that fuels his soul A soul that is so exhausted and somnolent He counts every place he passes by Signifying how miles turns into meter Nearer and nearer he gets to his home Now, his heart is almost reaches its bliss He could now visibly perceive in his mind all the faces He longs so much, faces that are rooted deeply in his mind On the solemnity of all, he awakes in his consciousness That everything is just a dream and imagination Truth is he will never come back to his home Home he had abandoned long time ago That now calls his name in the midst of the night